
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Impromptu Nightstand

Dear Nony,

My house is a mess. Clutter everywhere, too full of stuff to clean properly... I have been making great progress in keeping the kitchen tidy, thanks to my non-negotiables of doing the dishes and sweeping. I'm still not doing either task daily, but it's so much better than it was before! And then I got rid of a lot of furniture!

Monday, October 19, 2015

What Have I Done???

Dear Nony,

I'm sure you'll understand this, and I hope you'll be proud of this step I'm taking. I have decluttered furniture!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Thinky Thoughts On Why I'm Glad To Be A Slob

Pix For > Person Thinking With Thought Bubble Clip Art

Dear Nony,

The other night, I was just so full of thinky thoughts that I couldn't help but comment on your Facebook page:

I'm listening to your podcasts for inspiration while I sweep, clean the dishes, fold laundry, and move my clutter. (I'm in emergency mode to clear out one bedroom, so by necessity I need to make a bigger mess in another room...sigh.) The point is, I listened to 7 and 8...and I'm going to go back and listen again. There were words so deep and profound that I just couldn't process it in just one listening. I think it was how you said that you'll always struggle with this. Believe it or not, I actually find that helpful! It means I don't need to strive to "conquer" this beast, and perfection just ain't going to happen. But struggling? That's something I can identify with! And seeing how far you've come, even though you're still struggling...and seeing how far I've come (even though I'm about to make a huge mess, I've already done more towards the house in the last 2 weeks than the last 2 years!)...I know it sounds like a paradox, but hearing that the struggle never ends actually gives me hope that I can at least get the point where I'm no longer in survival mode. I don't know if I explained it well, and I'll probably do a blog post on this concept this weekend because I'm just floored at how much that one statement has helped my outlook. Like I said, deep thoughts that require another listen, and it just seems so paradoxical but there it is. Can we say "not normal"?
I still feel there's more to say about this, so here is my attempt to sound it out, see if it makes any more sense than just a "gut feeling".

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Chicco NextFit: Too Much Slack In the Harness Straps

Do you have extra harness slack, and you can't figure out why? When you go to strap your child in, do you find that you can't tighten the straps as tight as you did before? Or are the straps as tight as they need to be, but there is more "tail" in the harness adjuster strap than you're accustomed to? There is usually one cause, and one fix. Grab a screwdriver and your phone: you need to call Chicco and ask for the instructions to replace/rethread the harness.

Really? Call Chicco?

Yep. Don't worry, you haven't voided the warranty on the seat, they won't give you a hard time for needing these instructions, and no, you don't need to sit there on the phone with them while they walk you through the steps. Just tell them the harness isn't threaded over the rollers of your NextFit and you need the instructions to rethread the harness. They'll email you PDF of simple instructions with picture illustrations (since I do much better with picture illustrations, I have to say these are top notch!) and you can rethread the harness at your own speed.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Bless You Nony!

Dear Nony,

You know me, don't you? I just read your early blog post about how you like to write the fun-style post before your daily checklist because, let's face it, writing is fun! But the checklist post? You have to actually, you know, do the work before you can finish the post. And who wants to work when there's writing to be done?

I really hope you're familiar with Phineas and Ferb, otherwise, you might be a little offended by this post. I assure you, no offense is meant!!!

Daily Checklist and Clothing Clean-up

Dear Nony,

Man, have I been busy the last few days! But first, my daily checklist.

Today I:

  • Made my bed (which was later unmade by my toddler while I was folding laundry)
  • Folded the laundry I washed yesterday
  • Put away my clean clothes and the baby's clean clothes
    • DH's clean clothes are his responsibility (he has said time and again he will fold his clothes, so it's not like I'm in rebellion or anything :) )
    • Toddler's clothes are folded but they need to go upstairs to his room. I have a small pile of things to be taken to his room this evening
  • Swept the foyer and kitchen, with toddler's "help"
  • Rinsed the used dishes and put them in the dishwasher
    • I will run the dishwasher tonight, as it's just about half full
    • I also plan on hand-washing the bottles, nipples, and paci's
  • Wiped off the coffee table
    • Started cleaning the window behind the coffee table
    • Started brushing up the fur that's embedded in the carpet under the coffee table
That last bit needs more explanation...

Monday, September 21, 2015

What Change Has Made the Biggest Impact

Dear Nony,

I've been reading through your blog, and every now and again a post just forces me to stop and think for a bit. Your post "What change has made the biggest impact" is one such post. So, I figured I'd stop for a couple of days to really think about this. Do I have an answer?

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

One In, One Out - Bottle Brushes

Dear Nony,

Oh! When I buy something, it's not enough to think about throwing out the old...I actually have to, you know, throw it out? Huh. Who knew?

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Daily Non-Negotiables Plus Beware the Silent Toddler

Dear Nony,

So, um, when you said daily non-negotiables, you meant I have to do them every day? Not just partway done, but all the way done, right? See, I understand this part, I really do. I can totally get how spending just 30 seconds to a minute sweeping every day and five minutes putting the dishes into the dishwasher and another five to ten minutes handwashing the bottles really keeps the jobs from piling up. So if I understand this, how come I have such a hard time doing it?

Progress in the Kitchen

Dear Nony,

I made lots of progress in the kitchen today! DH had cleaned out almost an entire shelf of the pantry last week, and I had about a shelf-worth of bottles and other baby feeding equipment taking up precious counter real estate. So, I asked DH if I could take over the empty shelf. He said YES! (We share kitchen duties, and he does most of the cooking. Any kitchen decisions are made by both of us.)

Friday, September 11, 2015

My First Non-Negotiables

Dear Nony,

So, you remember those ants in my kitchen, right? While I was cleaning them up, I swore to finally, for real this time, dedicate to keeping the sink clean, running the dishwasher when it's full or half-full, and BEFORE I have a full load of dirty dishes waiting for the dishwasher to be cleared out again, and to do the hand-washing at least once a week. I know myself, I'm not going to wash dishes with hot soapy water every night, but once or twice a week seems reasonable. In other words, it sounds like it's time for me to declare my beginning Non-Negotiables.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Something Has To Change

Dear Nony,

You don't know me. We live fairly close, but we've never met. I found you this past summer through a bundle sale on a cleaning site (I think it was through Clean Mama) and what you had to say really resonated with me. Recently I started reading your blog "backwards", although to me it seems I'm reading it forwards. A book is usually best enjoyed when read from beginning to end, so when reading a blog, shouldn't one naturally start at the first post? Or is this just my peculiar brand of "not normal"?

You may not know me, but that doesn't mean you haven't helped me in the short time I've known you.

To anyone else reading, have you met Nony yet? You should definitely check her out at A Slob Comes Clean. Roam around, click a few links, and then go here if you want to read through her blog the way she recommends.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Chicco NextFit Seat Belt Install: Forward Facing Edition

The question was asked, how do you tighten down a NextFit seat belt install, specifically a forward facing install on leather seats? I don't have leather seats, but I did just install a rear facing NextFit on leather sits this past weekend, and it took a bit more maneuvering than my regular tricks. So, with that memory still relatively fresh in my mind, I took to my Odyssey with my camera phone and did the best I could to capture a forward facing install.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Triangle Trick: NextFit Edition

It's your worst nightmare.  You go to buckle your child into the car seat, and find that the strap is twisted.  You can't just buckle the seat with the twisted strap, but you don't have time to unthread and rethread the harness.  What do you do now?

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Supernatural Thoughts Season 1

Herein lie my thoughts from the episodes of Season 1.

Thoughts On Watching "Supernatural" For The First Time Ever

I know what you're thinking: "Everyone who is going to watch Supernatural would have already watched it by now."  Right?  Wrong!  Look, it took me until 2012 to watch BBC's Sherlock and I only got caught up on the new Doctor Who earlier this year.  Of course, now I'm rewatching the Clara episodes in preparation for Twelve, but that's another story.  The point is, I do a lot of pinning on Pinterest and, being WhoLocked, I find a lot of Supernatural pins.  So, I finally decided it's time to watch Supernatural.  From the beginning, naturally.  Whenever I start a new series, I'm often tempted to write down my thoughts as the series progresses just to see which plot points I catch and which ones I completely forget about.  Since this is such a popular series, I figured there might a person or two who might be interested in a newbie's perspective.  And, since just about everyone out there who is going to be interested in this particular subject has already watched everything that has been aired, please keep in mind that I know a bit about the themes of the show, but please, don't give me any major spoilers.

That being said, if you (like me) are one of the few who have not seen Supernatural and you've wandered across this blog, be aware:


Friday, June 26, 2015

NextFit Harness Release Button

I recently asked this question of some NextFit moms: is a little give in the harness release button normal?  They all assured me that it is.  Even so, I thought a video showing what the question is and how to actually release the harness might be in order.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Storing the NextFit LATCH Strap

So, you've read up on how to do the seat belt install, you may have even given it a shot.  Maybe you're already a pro at it, but there's one last thing that messes you up every.  Single.  Time.

How in the heck do you get those blasted LATCH connectors into their storage compartments without breaking anything?

Storing the NextFit Manual

Did you know that the NextFit has a storage compartment for the manual?  Check it out!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Chicco NextFit: Adjusting the Headrest

I'm back, with more NextFit goodness.  This time, with a couple of videos of my own to share!

A question was asked on Car Seats for the Littles: "How do I adjust the headrest and get it set for an infant?  Specifically, how does that back panel keep from getting in the way?"  The resulting YouTube and Google search turned up...nothing.  Absolutely nothing!  So, I pulled my seat in from the car and took a couple of videos.  Please keep in mind, these are home-made, unscripted, unrehearsed and (in the first video) made all by myself.  I roped DH into being my cameraman for the 2nd video, hence the better video quality.  (Videos after the jump.)

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Chicco NextFit: The Harness Won't Tighten Easily

As mentioned in the Disclaimer, I am very active in the Facebook group Car Seats for the Littles (CSFTL, for short).  I also happen to own the Chicco NextFit car seat.  It's a very nice seat, and over the last few months since I've bought it I've learned quite a few tricks related to the proper usage of this seat.

This is a question that comes up frequently within Car Seats for the Littles: "Why is the harness on my NextFit so hard to tighten?"  I've gathered together several answers to this question, as well as a list of tips and tricks to make it easier to tighten the harness.

These tips come from several different moms who own the NextFit, and none of them are anything I've discovered on my own (except for one trick, which other moms have confirmed works...but that is the only one I found out on my own).  Unfortunately, I don't remember exactly who first brought each tip or trick to my attention first.  So, to any moms on CSFTL who have helped me with the straps on my NextFit, you have my eternal thanks and gratitude!

Monday, January 12, 2015

NextFit Flying: Up, Up and Away!

Next in my series of NextFit posts is from a guest author.  Melissa Hebert is a mother and NextFit owner I met through Car Seats for the Littles.  Melissa has helped several NextFit owners prepare for taking their NextFit car seats on a plane and having the best experience possible.  One time she wrote up this list of her favorite tips and I asked if I could post it here.  She graciously agreed.  So, please allow me to present Melissa Hebert's Favorite Tips For Flying With a NextFit: