
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Daily Checklist and Clothing Clean-up

Dear Nony,

Man, have I been busy the last few days! But first, my daily checklist.

Today I:

  • Made my bed (which was later unmade by my toddler while I was folding laundry)
  • Folded the laundry I washed yesterday
  • Put away my clean clothes and the baby's clean clothes
    • DH's clean clothes are his responsibility (he has said time and again he will fold his clothes, so it's not like I'm in rebellion or anything :) )
    • Toddler's clothes are folded but they need to go upstairs to his room. I have a small pile of things to be taken to his room this evening
  • Swept the foyer and kitchen, with toddler's "help"
  • Rinsed the used dishes and put them in the dishwasher
    • I will run the dishwasher tonight, as it's just about half full
    • I also plan on hand-washing the bottles, nipples, and paci's
  • Wiped off the coffee table
    • Started cleaning the window behind the coffee table
    • Started brushing up the fur that's embedded in the carpet under the coffee table
That last bit needs more explanation...
When my toddler was a baby, as he outgrew clothes I would box them up (using empty diaper boxes, because they were the perfect size for this task) and label the boxes with the appropriate sizes. These boxes were stored in his closet, to be used again with our next kid. The problem (as any mother of multiple kids could have warned me) is that unless both boys are born in the same season, I'll still end up buying seasonal clothes for the next kid.

So, when boy number 2 came along, it really wasn't too hard to drag out the "newborn" clothes, followed by the "0-3M" clothes, followed by...of course, since number 1 was born in winter and number 2 was born in spring, only a few clothes that I stored were seasonably appropriate (who wants to wear thick fleece pajamas in Texas spring? Well, besides me, because FLEECE!). Since I knew each size of clothes from number 1 could only be worn about a month or so by number 2, I just kept piling up those boxes on the coffee table (which had been shoved into a corner long ago so that number 1 could have plenty of space to roll across the floor). As those boxes piled up and I bought new clothes for number 2, that corner of the living room just got worse and worse. Until now!

Starting Thursday, I started going through those boxes, culled out clothes that I didn't use for either boy because they just aren't my style (if it requires snaps or buttons around the neck, it's not my style!), relabeled the boxes as required, and carted the boxes full of only clothes that I like and will use back upstairs to the closet where they should be stored. Today, I finally had an empty coffee table. And then I was reminded of why I had put this off for so long...having three cats who find every hiding space in the house and puke there means the carpet underneath the table, the window, and the window sill hidden by the table were a mess! Without grumbling (for more than 5 minutes) I dug right in and made pretty good progress on getting the whole area kid-friendly (hence the final bullet point and its sup-points above). I'm not completely done yet (still need to vacuum the carpet and attack it with a stain remover, and that window is going to require more than water on a microfiber cloth), but I'm a lot closer than I've been since number two outgrew his newborn clothing!

I'll do a more complete post on this corner, complete with pictures later this week, but here's a preview of where I started:

Author's Note: even though this post was published first thing Wednesday, I actually started it writing yesterday (Tuesday). I ran out of time yesterday to finish it.

To anyone else reading, have you met Nony yet? You should definitely check her out at A Slob Comes Clean. Roam around, click a few links, and then go here if you want to read through her blog the way she recommends.

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