
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Bless You Nony!

Dear Nony,

You know me, don't you? I just read your early blog post about how you like to write the fun-style post before your daily checklist because, let's face it, writing is fun! But the checklist post? You have to actually, you know, do the work before you can finish the post. And who wants to work when there's writing to be done?

I really hope you're familiar with Phineas and Ferb, otherwise, you might be a little offended by this post. I assure you, no offense is meant!!!

Curse you, Nony the Anonymous!

I wanted to write for my blog today. I've got two great ideas for the NextFit series that NEED to be written. I have an itch to write them, therefore they must. Be. Written! But NOOOO! In the back of my head was your voice (and I think I mean that literally, since I've been listening to your podcasts while doing the dishes and folding laundry) telling me that before I can blog about anything, I need to do my daily non-negotiables.

Fine. But curse you.

Daily Checklist

Today I:
  • Made the bed
  • Vacuumed the carpet by the window that I defurred last night.
  • Took care of some business for the homeowner's association (of which I am a board member)
  • Showered!
  • Wanted to sit down to blog about car seats, but instead...
  • Put away clean dishes from the dishwasher
  • Put away clean dishes from the dish drainer AND PUT THE DISH DRAINER WAY!
  • Put dirty dishes into the dishwasher
  • Swept the foyer and kitchen
  • Swept under the toddler's chair, where he had swept crushed-up cheerios off the table and onto the floor
  • Moved the cats' food and water bowls to sweep up the kibble the same toddler had scattered around earlier this morning
  • Everything except the first 4 bullet points took about 10 minutes
You'll notice how I called out putting away the dish drainer? I know I can't be the only person who would happily empty it and walk away because, well, the dishes have been put away. The job is done, right? RIGHT? Well, maybe not.

Bless you, Nony the Anonymous!

This is what I was referring to with the P&F reference above: Dr. Doofenshmirtz is usually cursing Perry the Platypus, but sometimes blesses him instead. All I could think of while I was doing my daily checklist was "curses, curses, I'd rather be playing. Curses!" which of course led my scatter brain to "Curse you, Perry the Platypus/Bless you, Perry the Platypus". And now you know a little more about how my brain works :)

So, I knew as soon as I started cleaning (yes, while I was cursing you) that I would be much happier with the job done (so I was also advance-blessing you). And sure enough, I've already had cause to bless you. The baby hasn't been feeling well (mild tummy aches), so I was able to get him a doctor's appointment set up for this afternoon. No muss, no fuss, no need to run around and try to get anything ready for when DH watches the toddler, just...nothing. I set the baby down for his nap, let the toddler watch his favorite show (Word World, for the record, though I expect it will change in a week or two), and I can relax for a bit before dealing with a doctor's office. It's always amazing to me how much having a cleaner kitchen and therefore house seem to make everything easier.

So, thank you, and bless you, for giving me the kick in the pants to do what I know needs to be done, whether I like it or not.

Late Evening Addition

Before posting this, I wanted to add another reason to bless you. This evening there were some dishes in the sink, piled up from dinner and from DH dropping his lunch dish in there. Rather than grumbling because of the HUGE TASK before me or only rinsing the dishes and leaving them on the counter  (which is exactly what I would have done if the dishwasher hadn't been emptied of the clean dishes earlier) I was able to spend less than 5 minutes rinsing everything in the sink and placing it in the empty dishwasher! A quick swipe of the countertop to get the last of the water drops cleaned up, and the kitchen looks great again! So again, thank you, and bless you. 

What's that? The baby's doctor visit? Oh yeah! The doctor recommended changing his formula for a few days and see if he feels better after that. I'll call them back on Monday with an update, but I should know by the weekend if the different formula is working.

To anyone else reading, have you met Nony yet? You should definitely check her out at A Slob Comes Clean. Roam around, click a few links, and then go here if you want to read through her blog the way she recommends.

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