
Monday, October 19, 2015

What Have I Done???

Dear Nony,

I'm sure you'll understand this, and I hope you'll be proud of this step I'm taking. I have decluttered furniture!

I feel the most curious sense of relief and heart-pounding panic! Last week we threw away two old/falling apart computer desks, and gave away an entire bedroom set of furniture (highboy, dresser, and two nightstands). This set has been in my family longer than I've been alive. I'm also taking steps towards selling/donating my old entertainment center that I bought in high school.

Left: Dresser from the bedroom set
Right: My old entertainment center from high school
Relief: furniture we don't need is finally getting out of my house.
Relief: I'm finally able to let go of this sentimental furniture. And believe me when I say it's sentimental. My first post-college purchase was the larger of the 2 desks. I purchased and assembled that entertainment center while I was in high school. The afore-mentioned bedroom furniture that's older than me: it was originally purchased by my parents at least 5 years before I was born, and has been shared between me and my sister. The other desk was hubby's desk in college.

Top: Dresser and husband's desk, side by side in very crowded guest room
Bottom: My very first post-college furniture purchase
Heart-pounding panic: WHAT HAVE I DONE!!! THIS FURNITURE HAS MEMORIES! Yeah,'s also taking up space that's needed for the next phase: a clear bedroom for kiddo number 2. If we don't get rid of that furniture, my boys can't have space to make their own memories. They deserve that. So do I. (How fitting is it that I just listened to Podcast 11: Sentimental Clutter?)

It seems only fair to add that I started decluttering this furniture because I purchased this awesome new-to-me (but it's already seen two owners) dresser that perfectly matches the tall dresser, diaper changer, and crib that we bought last year (yes, they were purchased second-hand as well). After all, we still need a place to put the boys' clothes!

Top: In the process of swapping out dressers
Bottom: Happy toddler with matching furniture!

To anyone else reading, have you met Nony yet? You should definitely check her out at A Slob Comes Clean. Roam around, click a few links, and then go here if you want to read through her blog the way she recommends.

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