
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Triangle Trick: NextFit Edition

It's your worst nightmare.  You go to buckle your child into the car seat, and find that the strap is twisted.  You can't just buckle the seat with the twisted strap, but you don't have time to unthread and rethread the harness.  What do you do now?

Triangle Trick to the Rescue

The good news: there is absolutely no reason to disassemble the seat in order to untwist the straps.  The Car Seat Lady has a great video showing how to do the "triangle trick".  It works in pretty much every car seat available.

But you have a squirming kid in one arm, and only a few precious seconds to get it fixed!  Plus, this the "NextFit Edition" of the triangle trick, so what gives?

Never fear, veteran NextFit owner Taylor Forrant shows just how easy it is to do the triangle trick on the NextFit.  In fact, it's so easy, she was able to do it with one hand tied behind her back...I mean, with one hand holding her phone camera :)

Not Just the Buckle

The Triangle Trick also works on the chest clip, if the chest clip has been involved in the twisted straps.  I'll make/upload a video for this in the near future, but the basic steps that work for me are to loosen the harness all the way, pull some slack to the back of the chest clip.  Do the triangle trick on the top of the clip, then again on the bottom of the clip.  Voila!  Straightened straps!

One Last Thing

Before you go, did you know that it's dangerous for adults to ride with twisted seat belts too?  Never fear, the triangle trick works on regular seat belts just as easily!

The views, instructions, and opinions in this blog are solely my own. I am not a CPST, I am not affiliated with CSFTL, nor am I a Chicco representative. No money was made from this article, and though I strive for accuracy in all things, any errors are my own.

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