
Saturday, April 2, 2016

Supernatural Season 4 Theories (The Road So Far)

Carry on my wayward son

Okay folks, let me say this now.


There'll be peace when you are done

I had been meaning to write up my thoughts as I watched Supernatural, just to see if I could catch the clues that lead to the big reveals (and so that those who have already seen Supernatural could laugh at everything that I missed and/or was redirected from), but have fallen way, WAY behind in that task. To date, I have posted to this blog my thoughts on the first three episodes from season one...and yet I am moments from watching the last episode of Season 4.

Lay your weary head to rest

However, there are just SO MANY CLUES in Season 4 that point to the final episode and this season's reveal, I just HAD to get everything down and posted before I watch it. This way I can come back tomorrow and laugh and laugh at everything I got wrong. Or go "I TOLD YOU" to myself if I turn out to be right.

So like I said, this blog post is nothing but one big, huge spoiler for Supernatural season 4 (and likely bits of previous season). Just in case you missed it the first time...

Don't you cry no more


Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Overwhelming Dining Room is Overwhelming!

Dear Nony,

I'll be honest. I haven't been checking your most recent postings lately. I've been reading through your Year One in E-Book Form, and listening to your podcasts while getting my daily step count, but new stuff? It's just going to have to wait until I get caught up!

Except for your post the other day. You know, the one about tackling an overwhelming task? (Actual title: Working Through The Feeling of Being Overwhelmed) I even commented on the Facebook post about it (and you liked my comment! Squee!!!!). Here's a little more background about WHY I was looking at your Facebook page, and why your "Overwhelmed" blog post was so timely.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Four Year Anniversary

Today. Four years ago, today.

Four years ago, on March 2nd, I lost my first child.

Not many people know I am actually a mother to three children. Honestly, it's not something I think of on a regular basis myself. But four years ago, on March 2, 2012, my family gathered at the hospital, where I underwent a D&C. I had suffered from a missed miscarriage and lost my first child at ten weeks pregnant.

This isn't something I try and hide. One thing I discovered at the time was just how common miscarriages are. It helped tremendously to talk with so many people who had gone through the same thing, or knew family members who had. But at the same time, this was such an intensely private and personal experience that it's difficult to discuss in a public forum. I often feel the need to acknowledge that this happened, and yet...

I have always felt my lost child was a girl. No proof. Just a feeling.

Today. Today I look back at the last four years, and what it has brought me. Part of the healing process for me was to become pregnant with my firstborn son. It's impossible for me to imagine how different my life would have been if my first pregnancy had not ended so suddenly. Would my living room be filled with fairy princesses instead of dump trucks? Would I have a slightly older version of my son, or someone completely different? Would my second born have been the same as he is now, or would something else have happened that kept me from having more children? Would "he" have also been a "she", and I would now be wondering how on earth to handle the male child, instead of completely at a loss when faced with female littles?

The possibilities are endless, but at the same time not really worth dwelling on. Life happened, and while I absolutely would not trade either of my sons for anything in the world, it's still worth it to stop and reflect.  Reflect on that day four years ago.

When one journey ended, and my current journey was just beginning.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Impromptu Nightstand

Dear Nony,

My house is a mess. Clutter everywhere, too full of stuff to clean properly... I have been making great progress in keeping the kitchen tidy, thanks to my non-negotiables of doing the dishes and sweeping. I'm still not doing either task daily, but it's so much better than it was before! And then I got rid of a lot of furniture!

Monday, October 19, 2015

What Have I Done???

Dear Nony,

I'm sure you'll understand this, and I hope you'll be proud of this step I'm taking. I have decluttered furniture!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Thinky Thoughts On Why I'm Glad To Be A Slob

Pix For > Person Thinking With Thought Bubble Clip Art

Dear Nony,

The other night, I was just so full of thinky thoughts that I couldn't help but comment on your Facebook page:

I'm listening to your podcasts for inspiration while I sweep, clean the dishes, fold laundry, and move my clutter. (I'm in emergency mode to clear out one bedroom, so by necessity I need to make a bigger mess in another room...sigh.) The point is, I listened to 7 and 8...and I'm going to go back and listen again. There were words so deep and profound that I just couldn't process it in just one listening. I think it was how you said that you'll always struggle with this. Believe it or not, I actually find that helpful! It means I don't need to strive to "conquer" this beast, and perfection just ain't going to happen. But struggling? That's something I can identify with! And seeing how far you've come, even though you're still struggling...and seeing how far I've come (even though I'm about to make a huge mess, I've already done more towards the house in the last 2 weeks than the last 2 years!)...I know it sounds like a paradox, but hearing that the struggle never ends actually gives me hope that I can at least get the point where I'm no longer in survival mode. I don't know if I explained it well, and I'll probably do a blog post on this concept this weekend because I'm just floored at how much that one statement has helped my outlook. Like I said, deep thoughts that require another listen, and it just seems so paradoxical but there it is. Can we say "not normal"?
I still feel there's more to say about this, so here is my attempt to sound it out, see if it makes any more sense than just a "gut feeling".

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Chicco NextFit: Too Much Slack In the Harness Straps

Do you have extra harness slack, and you can't figure out why? When you go to strap your child in, do you find that you can't tighten the straps as tight as you did before? Or are the straps as tight as they need to be, but there is more "tail" in the harness adjuster strap than you're accustomed to? There is usually one cause, and one fix. Grab a screwdriver and your phone: you need to call Chicco and ask for the instructions to replace/rethread the harness.

Really? Call Chicco?

Yep. Don't worry, you haven't voided the warranty on the seat, they won't give you a hard time for needing these instructions, and no, you don't need to sit there on the phone with them while they walk you through the steps. Just tell them the harness isn't threaded over the rollers of your NextFit and you need the instructions to rethread the harness. They'll email you PDF of simple instructions with picture illustrations (since I do much better with picture illustrations, I have to say these are top notch!) and you can rethread the harness at your own speed.