
Saturday, April 2, 2016

Supernatural Season 4 Theories (The Road So Far)

Carry on my wayward son

Okay folks, let me say this now.


There'll be peace when you are done

I had been meaning to write up my thoughts as I watched Supernatural, just to see if I could catch the clues that lead to the big reveals (and so that those who have already seen Supernatural could laugh at everything that I missed and/or was redirected from), but have fallen way, WAY behind in that task. To date, I have posted to this blog my thoughts on the first three episodes from season one...and yet I am moments from watching the last episode of Season 4.

Lay your weary head to rest

However, there are just SO MANY CLUES in Season 4 that point to the final episode and this season's reveal, I just HAD to get everything down and posted before I watch it. This way I can come back tomorrow and laugh and laugh at everything I got wrong. Or go "I TOLD YOU" to myself if I turn out to be right.

So like I said, this blog post is nothing but one big, huge spoiler for Supernatural season 4 (and likely bits of previous season). Just in case you missed it the first time...

Don't you cry no more


You still with me? That means that a) you've already watched Supernatural and are just refreshing your own mind on what happened up to this point, b) you've already watched season 4 and want to get someone else's perspective on what the frack just happened, c) you are at the exact same point where I am now (you've finished all but the last episode of season 4) and want to compare your theories to mine, or d) you haven't seen anything from Supernatural, and you really don't mind it being spoiled.

If you are here because of "d", you have been warned. You will be spoiled.

Once I rose above the noise and confusion

To get right to the meat (suit) of the final seal and the apocalypse: Obviously, Lillith is not the one who will break the final seal. The fact that Sam, the smart/brainy-is-the-new-sexy one, hasn't figured this out shows just how far he's gone.

So, what do I know already?

Dean was the first seal. According to Alastair, "And it is written that the first seal shall be broken when a righteous man sheds blood in hell. As he breaks, so shall it break." (source: IMDB)

Castiel told Dean that he is the only one who can stop the apocalypse. "The righteous man who begins it is the only one who can finish it." (source: IMDB) Just dropped that heavy weight on his shoulders without a hint of remorse (because angels are dicks). I'm sure I'm not the only person to think of Jesus in the Garden of Gathsemane during *that* scene.

Just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion

Cas was GOING to tell Dean something important, something he didn't want anyone else to overhear. And then was reprogrammed (or worses?) back in heaven. (Because angels are dicks, apparently even to each other.)

Cas WAS on the path to doubt, led there by the actions of Uriel and Anna. Now...?

And who the hell is Zacchariah? Is he Uriel's replacement in the garrison but faithful to God? Or was he Uriel's confidante? Or even the one who recruited Uriel?

I was soaring ever higher

Dean was sent back in time to learn what the angels knew about Yellow Eyes. In a case of "his own grandpa", Dean tried to prevent the tragedy of Mary dieing, only to bring Yellow Eye's attention square onto her and Sam.

The angels knew what Yellow Eyes had done, but not why. The Hell's Gate was NOT his end game.

Dean told Yellow Eyes that Dean would be the one to kill Yellow Eyes in the future. Strangely enough, Yellow Eyes ...didn't care. He said he had a much bigger end game in mind. Something that we know only Sam can fulfill (thanks to the demon's blood). And yet...demons lie.

But I flew too high

Dean basically sold his soul to God to save Sam from becoming a monster...

...and Castiel released Sam from the panic room. Seriously Cas? WTH?

Ruby & Lillith

Ah, Ruby. She first came onto the scene as a demon who wanted to rebel against other demons. Former human, she tempted and teased Sam with half-truths and white lies...until she was banished back to hell by Lillith.

Though my eyes could see I still was a blind man

How long was Ruby in hell...being tortured by Lillith and Alastair? How long did she last before she gave in to their demands...and returned to Sam's side? Because I really don't think there's any way in hell (pardon the pun) that Ruby "pretended" to Lillith that she would retrieve Sam but maintain enough of herself to betray Lillith instead. (Alternately, was she ever a rebel, or was this a very, VERY long game initiated by Yellow Eyes and Lucifer?)

But Ruby killed those 2 demons, and helped Sam do the same to even more, so...what gives?

Demons lie. And they don't really care about each other. The only thing they care about is what's in their own best interest. Killing demons, and teaching Sam to do the same, was not going to be a problem for Ruby, Lillith, or the one they serve: Lucifer.

Though my mind could think I still was a mad man

Why do I think Ruby is a low down, dirty, deceiving deceiver?

Lillith told Sam that her own death would come right before the apocalypse would start. So, killing her really serves no purpose in this game. It's a Catch-22, really. It's been prophesied that her death will hail Lucifer's return, so it's in their best interests to keep her alive. And yet, if she's kept alive, she'll keep going and going and going until Lucifer is released (killing humans all along the way). See? Catch-22.

And then we have Ruby and Sam talking about Lucifer's greatest triumph: corrupting a human and choosing that human to be his right hand, the final seal. Sam immediately went to Lillith, but I don't think that's right.

I hear the voices when I'm dreaming

Cas told Dean that Sam could drink enough demon's blood to kill Lillith, but that he would turn into a monster by consuming that much.

Ruby has carefully led, cajoled, teased, tempted, and seduced Sam to the point that he is begging for more blood, and no longer thinking of the consequences. The look on her face as she described the corrupted human was very telling.

When Sam talked about fixing things with Dean, it didn't seem to me that he meant getting off the blood once he'd done the needful...but hoping that Dean could come to grips with what he was becoming. No going back.

Even the Prophet Chuck confronted Sam with what he was doing. "Sucking blood? You gotta know that's wrong."

I can hear them say

So what so I think?

Yellow Eyes is very high up in Lucifer's hierarchy. He had his own goal of escaping Hell (which was blown to hell by the Winchester boys and their friends), but his end game is the release of Lucifer. Lillith and Ruby are both just pawns. I *think* Yellow Eyes might have been Lucifer's first corrupted human/pawn, but the last seal needs a new corrupted human.

Carry on my wayward son

And they've chosen Sam.

There'll be peace when you are done...

And then you have this scene. The opening scene of the final episode of season 4. When Yellow Eyes shows up at a convent and reveals that location as the gate to Lucifer's prison.

Lay your weary head to rest

Now, I'll admit I had some forewarning, thanks to the idjits at Pinterest who drop these little beauties in front of me:

The apocalypse was a group effort: and

But really? Come on! It's obvious, isn't it?

Don't you cry no more

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