
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Triangle Trick: NextFit Edition

It's your worst nightmare.  You go to buckle your child into the car seat, and find that the strap is twisted.  You can't just buckle the seat with the twisted strap, but you don't have time to unthread and rethread the harness.  What do you do now?

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Supernatural Thoughts Season 1

Herein lie my thoughts from the episodes of Season 1.

Thoughts On Watching "Supernatural" For The First Time Ever

I know what you're thinking: "Everyone who is going to watch Supernatural would have already watched it by now."  Right?  Wrong!  Look, it took me until 2012 to watch BBC's Sherlock and I only got caught up on the new Doctor Who earlier this year.  Of course, now I'm rewatching the Clara episodes in preparation for Twelve, but that's another story.  The point is, I do a lot of pinning on Pinterest and, being WhoLocked, I find a lot of Supernatural pins.  So, I finally decided it's time to watch Supernatural.  From the beginning, naturally.  Whenever I start a new series, I'm often tempted to write down my thoughts as the series progresses just to see which plot points I catch and which ones I completely forget about.  Since this is such a popular series, I figured there might a person or two who might be interested in a newbie's perspective.  And, since just about everyone out there who is going to be interested in this particular subject has already watched everything that has been aired, please keep in mind that I know a bit about the themes of the show, but please, don't give me any major spoilers.

That being said, if you (like me) are one of the few who have not seen Supernatural and you've wandered across this blog, be aware: