
Monday, July 14, 2014

Minivan Shopping: Here I Come

I am looking for a new car.  Not just any car.  A Minivan.  Not just any minivan.  The perfect minivan.  Of course, perfection takes many forms, so here's my checklist (it will be expanded* as I find more things I do/don't need in my next vehicle):

  • ABS Brakes!  Would you believe my 2008 Impala does not have ABS?  Ugh!
  • As many top tether spots as possible, more for the options this opens up.  I have no desire to have up to 6 kids, but I could become the designated soccer mom :)
  • As many lower anchors (LATCH) as possible, though this isn't as necessary since I love the seatbelt install on DS's NextFit car seat.  I have a hunch I'll be using the lower anchors for the Graco bucket when we finally have kid number 2, though, so it's still important.
  • It would be lovely to fit 2 kids in car seats and 6 adults in the van.  I can see this happening at least 2-4 times a year, if not more.
  • Comfortable seats, all the way around.  Refer to previous post about 6 adults.
  • A tailgate that lifts high enough so that hubby isn't clonked in the noggin whenever he walks back there.
  • Back-up camera.
  • As many controls on the steering wheel as I can get away with.
  • Probably every safety feature required by the Car Seat Lady that hasn't already been discussed.
I know, that's a lot of stuff to wish for, but I think I can actually get all this in the Honda Odyssey.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

I'm not dead yet!

Hey everyone!  Long time, no write.  And you don't know just how true that is.  I originally opened this blog over a year ago with the intention of posting something at least once a week.  Certainly no less than once a month.  Here we are a year later, and I finally return like the prodigal writer.  Better late than never, right?

Okay, so it's not like I've told anyone about this blog.  I mean, hubby knows I've started it, and he also knows I haven't written anything for it.  Instead, I've been trying to keep up with my D&D write-ups, which is what he'd prefer I work on instead :)

So, with no further ado, I will soon posting a WIP entry dealing with car searching.  I'm in the market, and have been hoarding links.  But, why am I talking about that here?  Onwards, to the next post!