- ABS Brakes! Would you believe my 2008 Impala does not have ABS? Ugh!
- As many top tether spots as possible, more for the options this opens up. I have no desire to have up to 6 kids, but I could become the designated soccer mom :)
- As many lower anchors (LATCH) as possible, though this isn't as necessary since I love the seatbelt install on DS's NextFit car seat. I have a hunch I'll be using the lower anchors for the Graco bucket when we finally have kid number 2, though, so it's still important.
- It would be lovely to fit 2 kids in car seats and 6 adults in the van. I can see this happening at least 2-4 times a year, if not more.
- Comfortable seats, all the way around. Refer to previous post about 6 adults.
- A tailgate that lifts high enough so that hubby isn't clonked in the noggin whenever he walks back there.
- Back-up camera.
- As many controls on the steering wheel as I can get away with.
- Probably every safety feature required by the Car Seat Lady that hasn't already been discussed.
I know, that's a lot of stuff to wish for, but I think I can actually get all this in the Honda Odyssey.