
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Just Start

Seriously, how hard can it be to just start something?
  • A NaNo novel
  • ANY novel
  • Washing the dishes
  • Cleaning the house
  • Exercise regimen
  • Starting a Blog (see what I did there?  See?  First post on a blog, and I list it as something hard to...start...never mind)
  • Heck, even leaving the house feels like an epic undertaking some days
Why is it hard to get something started?  Well, here's my excuses I MEAN reasons:
  • What if nobody likes it?
  • What if too many people like it, and I'm famous, but they don't like it the same way I like it, and I'm famous for the wrong reasons?
  • Which counts as nobody liking it, BTW
And starting this blog?
  • I have too many ideas
  • None of them mesh into a coherent blog subject
  • And I certainly don't have enough to say on any single topic to justify one blog per topic!
  • Oh, I'd like everything to be absolutely PERFECT before I post even the first article.  After all, I have so much to say on the topic of starting, on parenting, on gaming, on reading, on... and on and on.
Okay, there's my excuses out of the way.  How about you?  What's holding you back?
Stop procrastinating.  Start today.

"The hardest part of ending is starting again." -- Linkin Park, "Waiting for the End"

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